KontrolFreek Blog

Unveiling the Six Siege Black Ice Collection

Watch out -- there's ice ahead. Yes, we're aware it's just August. We're talking about the new Six Siege x SteelSeries Black Ice Collection, which brings the elusive Black Ice...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

The Evolution of 4-Prong Performance Thumbsticks

KontrolFreek as you know it is going through a bit of a metamorphosis. Since the company's conception in 2009, we've delivered quality and innovation in terms of our Performance Thumbsticks...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

How to Get Started in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Prepare for takeoff with our beginner tips for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Soaring the friendly skies can be incredibly relaxing. But getting there can be a bit daunting, especially if...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

Could Video Games Go To The Olympics?

Despite many pandemic-related challenges, the Olympics have arrived, and athletes all over the world are ready to make their respective countries proud. We all know how they go down: plenty...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments

Take a Look Back with National Video Game Day

You're in FreekNation, so you love video games. But did you know there's a special day every year specifically reserved for celebrating gaming in all its different forms? Yesterday was...

On by Brittany Vincent 0 Comments